Tag Archives: house hunting

Happy day

More on my california adventures to come…. Have lots to get caught up on around the house!

Today is a happy day.  If you didn’t know, Mama Pea is BACK.  Which is pretty happy (also happy is how she doesn’t judge when I text her, drunk, on a Sunday afternoon.  Which might have happened this weekend)

Other happy things:

My fruit bowl looked like this earlier today


Yeah, those are cookies.  They’re like fruit, except with carbs and sugar.  And no vitamins.  And some peppers. Which are also not fruit.

So I hit up the grocery store


Happy day!   Apples and PINEAPPLES are on sale!  Much better

I had a quesedilla for breakfast.


Happy day- this time the cheese wasn’t moldy.  Also happy-melted cheese for breakfast.

Went to the sub orientation.  Found out there were over 800 applicants (just to sub!) and I was one of just over 100 who got on.  Happy happy for employment

Made lunch


Butternut ravioli, with tomatoes, spinach, and creamy sauce (Jessica, this is how to love veggies.  Put them inside carbs, then cover with sauce)



It’s a happy happy day!  Fts.*

*fts = for total serious.

A new home?

We had our home inspection today! So food is lacking, but I can show you this:


My future kitchen!

DSCN3351The main floor has a living room/dining room/kitchen that are all open and together and lead out onto the deck

DSCN3354All the windows have these shutter thingys.  They’re fantastic.

Also-this house HAS AC.  If you live in Portland you understand how awesome that is.

I’m really amused by the sink in the upstairs bathroom

DSCN3356It’s like a giant bowl.   Weird.

Bedrooms with no furniture aren’t too exciting, but basically there’s three that look like this

DSCN3357Neutral walls, hardwoods, white trim, pretty light fixtures.

The yard needs some work, but see how it’s got lots of trees (and flowers!)already?

DSCN3365I think baring any craziness this is going to be our home soon!  I love it, I hope it all works.

Tomorrow I’ll be back with some food goodness-we had a fantastic happy hour meal tonight in what will hopefully be our new ‘hood!


Saturdays are, to my fiance, a sacred day of beer and college football.  Me going to VegFest made him happy as it gave him an excuse to go out in the middle of the day and drink with his friends.

When I picked him up at the bar he kept talking about how he wondered if legally he was drunk.  “Am I at .9?  .4?  I just don’t know.  We should get a breathalyzer.”

The point where you won’t shut up about how you might be drunk?  Yeah, you’re drunk.

I joined him with this which I may or may not have bought because of the label.

DSCN3331Chickens amuse me.  We had pet chickens (my brother wouldn’t let us eat the eggs because they were PETS not food).  The fiance has promised me when we get a house we can get chickens.  He may live to regret that promise.

(Oh, and I forgot to say-one super cute moment yesterday was when Gracie saw the “I am not a nugget” shirts

and decided she loved that phrase.  She spent a while jumping along and going “I am not a nugget!”.  Cute)

And all that leads really well into the fact that we had chicken pot pie for dinner last night.

DSCN3328It’s chicken broth with chicken, celery, sweet potatoes, broccoli, peas, and corn.  The crust is some bisquick I discovered I had with flax and parsley added.  It’s seriously so good.


DSCN3332I used up my Bob’s Red Mill sample from VegFest for breakfast today

DSCN3346This little package made a ton of cereal!

Me and the fiance each had a bowl

DSCN3347We added agave and then topped them with chopped cinnamon pecans and about 1/2 T of brown sugar

DSCN3349Amazingly good.  The fiance lovedddddd them.  He had another bowl.  I haven’t seen him this excited about a new breakfast food since I made him peanut butter oatmeal the first time.

And in a few hours we get to go to our home inspection!  Ok, not that exciting, but that means I’ll actually have pictures of inside to show people finally, and that is exciting.

If you’re happy and you know it…

Ok, first of all, I guess we’re putting in an offer on a house!  Yikes.  We loved this house, it’s walking distance to the farmers market and a few restaurants, a library, and a bakery.

Also, it comes with a trampoline.

(All the pictures online are kinda crapy… but what more do you need to see than this?)

I got some Dave’s Killer Bread at Winco, and ate a piece as a mid morning snack.  My brother (daddy to monster baby), who lives in Eastern Washington was telling me when he was here about how he had this amazing bread that was “like Dave’s rockin’ bread or something” and how good it was.  There is a guitar on the logo, so his thought process makes sense….


Then I went out to lunch with some friends from school.  Turns out as much as I don’t love not having a job, I’m a lot less depressed than most of my classmates.  We drowned our sorrows in tater tots and diet coke


And I had a salad with chicken, crasins, nuts, tomatoes, and cucumbers.


It was McMenamin’s food.  Their stuff is never bad, it’s just never really good either.  They’re everywhere in Portland.

When I got home I found these in the garden!


And got dinner started:


tomatoes, basil, and roasted peppers.  All either grown by me or my parents!

I’m happy that I have yummy food.  I’m happy that my fiance has a job that can support us.  I’m happy the lion exhibit opens this weekend at the zoo.  I’m happy there are three timbers games coming up.  And most of all, I’m happy that I’m happy….

What’s something you’re happy about?  I need some more-I just spent two hours hearing how things suck!

Don’t Judge my Bulk Food….

We went looking at houses again last night.  We went to like six.  Good lord.  Loved the last one though.   It’d be nice to buy a house, because I’m getting tired of looking.

I got snacks. Snacks are key when looking at 6 houses.


The apples were adorable because they were tiny.  But I think the tininess might have had something to do with not totally being ripe.

We got home at 8 and I made dinner in 20 minutes.  Eat your heart out Rachel Ray-10 minutes less than you AND I don’t make up acronyms for everything I do

Mashed potatoes, salad, pan fried chicken.  Tasty, simple, and it makes leftovers for the fiance’s lunch, which saves me having to pack one.


Plus beer.  Sometimes, you just need a beer, let’s not lie to ourselves.


I made overnight oats for the first time today-mostly to make sure I’d eat before I went grocery shopping….


Nut-tastic: oats and oat bran (half of each), plus almond butter, peanut butter, and some cinnamon pecans.  And a ton of cinnamon.  Because it makes me happy.

Then I went to Winco.  Winco is really overstimulating at 7 am.  I don’t recommend it.  They’re stocking the shelves and cleaning the floors and DRILLING THE FRIGGING CEILING


See that?  Man drilling the ceiling.  I can’t make this up.

I put up with it because Winco sells an insane amount of bulk food.  So cheap.  Don’t tell me how unsanitary or old stuff in the bins is.  I’m going to keep buying it, and I’d rather not think about it.  The amount of bulk stuff is crazy.  It’s this


times 8.  And that’s not even a full row.  My favorite is that they have bulk, store brand cheetos.

When I was checking out the woman in front of me was stating at my stuff.  Like, full on, walking backwards to check out what I was buying.  I’m not judging the fact that you not only smoke, you smoke Parliaments.  Menthol Parliaments.  So don’t judge my bulk foods, ok?

For the record, I did get a decent amount of bulk stuff…. white flour, whole wheat pastry flour, cinnamon, peanuts, oats, red beans, pinto beans, and black beans.


But still, don’t judge lady.  You smoke Parliaments.  Except you couldn’t remember your PIN, so you didn’t even get them.  Sad day for you.

Do you ever have people at the grocery store say something about your purchases?  I get the weirdest looks when I get food for Canadian thanksgiving-it’s in them middle of October, but it’s all the same food (my mommy is canadian, i like the excuse for a turkey dinner), so it looks like I’m just really prepared.