Tag Archives: hospitals


So, it turns out when your belly gets sliced into it takes a while to get better. I’m still recovering but overall I’m mostly just amused at the ridiculousness of recovery.


My energy level is super low. Like, low to the point where for the first week home I resorted to this
and was then super worried people would think I was just a jerk using one of those carts for fun.

I got taken on walks in the park by my husband. Where I’d bring juice and snacks and have to rest a lot. It reminded me of being a nanny. Except I was the child.
(this was taken to prove to my mom I was out of bed AND in people clothes. She was impressed)

Exciting news though, surgery kills your appetite! I didn’t want to eat much of anything for the first week or so. If you’re looking for a great way to drop 8 pounds have your appendix explode!

In my effort to eat something I bought dino nuggets, which are possibly the world’s greatest food. Meat shaped  like extinct things. Mmmm.

I was only allowed to lift 5 pounds for the first two weeks post surgery. Which meant no holding my fat baby cats.

They were deeply troubled and kept trying to snuggle. And I’d have to put my arm protectively over my incisions (since I was a lap converted to a full I have FOUR incisions! Three smaller plus a big one!)  and it’d just make them mad.

The doctor told me not very many people get an open appendectomy anymore so my cool scar is special.

And my three favorite post-appendectomy happenings

1. I worked for the first time on Friday. As a reward for working look what Jesus gave me
(there seems to be some policy at this school that when it’s your birthday you bring treats for ALL the teachers in the school? I don’t profess to understand it but there were three delicious birthdays.)

2. Hospital bill came

(we have great health insurance, I don’t owe anywhere near $26,000)

3. Look what they didn’t mark on my discharge form at the hospital
I got to call the doctor’s office and have the most awkward conversation EVER with the nurse about it! She used the word “positions”.